Main / Philosophy and Political Science / Pedagogy and Educational Management / Сембаева Ардак Мауленовна

Сембаева Ардак Мауленовна

Position Ст.пpеподаватель
Pedagogy and Educational Management
First higher education
Educational institution Квалификация Expiration date
Казахстанский многопрофильный институт "Парасат" Высшее2 2007
Талдыкорганский пед. ин. им. И. Жансугурова Высшее 1997
Academic degree
File name Headline Description
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Leadership Theories in Education
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education
Leadership Theories in Education
Leadership Theories in Education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Modern psychological theories and intervention
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Leadership Theories in Education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Modern psychological theories and intervention
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education
Psychology of Management
Methodology of teaching psychology
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Methodology of teaching psychology
Leadership Theories in Education
Psychology of Management
Psychology of Management
Leadership Theories in Education
Leadership Theories in Education
Modern psychological theories and intervention
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Psychology of Management
Modern psychological theories and intervention
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Psychology of Management
Methodology of teaching psychology
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Leadership Theories in Education
Leadership Theories in Education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Leadership Theories in Education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Leadership Theories in Education
Psychology of Management
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Psychology of Management
Psychology of Management
Leadership Theories in Education
Leadership Theories in Education
Leadership Theories in Education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Methodology of teaching psychology
Psychology of Management
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Leadership Theories in Education
Leadership Theories in Education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Modern psychological theories and intervention
Leadership Theories in Education
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education
Modern psychological theories and intervention
Methodology of teaching psychology
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education
Modern psychological theories and intervention
Leadership Theories in Education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic programming in management practices
Methods of Teaching Psychological Disciplines in Higher Education
Methodology of teaching psychology
Psychology of Management
Psychotherapy and psycho-correction in Education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Psychology of Management
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Leadership Theories in Education
Leadership Theories in Education
Leadership Theories in Education
Leadership Theories in Education
Leadership Theories in Education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Psychology of Management
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Methodology of teaching psychology
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Modern psychological theories and intervention
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education
Theory and techniques of neurolinguistic progrаmming in education


Сембаева Ардак Мауленовна ЖОҒАРҒЫ БІЛІМНІҢ САНДЫҚ ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЯСЫ 2020 - г. 7 - стр. 0


Сембаева Ардак Мауленовна Кәсіби және этикалық құзыреттілік болашақ мұғалімдердің кәсіби дайындығының нәтижесі ретінде 2020 - г. 4 - стр. 3


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